We’re Down in the Count O and 2 With Stan Galiev, But I can Assure You We Won’t Be Taking on Strike Three—And You Know Bryant Molle Will Be More Than Willing to Take His Hacks…
Sinking Spring, PA – The Reading Royals cordially invite you to join us on Tuesday Night (March 12, 2013) from 6 – 7 pm at Jimmy G’s Railroad House Sports Bar and Restaurant (152 Woodrow Avenue, Sinking Spring, PA; 610-678-1177) for Radio Recon, the Reading Royals’ weekly coach’s show. It certainly doesn’t say much for my interviewing skills that young Stan Galiev has opted for the dentist’s chair rather than the seat next to me at Radio Recon—not just once….but TWICE. Maybe he’d be more willing to show up if I had a canister of that dental laughing gas. Come on, Stan, it’s not that bad—I don’t even have that little tray of torture tools that most dentists use to keep you line. Either way, I’m pretty sure that Bryant Molle doesn’t have any dental work pending—so he’s got no excuse. And Assistant Coach Tim Branham will be displaying his pearly whites when he explains what the Royals need to do to lock down a playoff spot. We expect to have the whole Royals’ broadcast crew with us, including Scott Rathman, who will have the wireless mic in the crowd in order to solicit comments and questions from fans. As always, we’ll have crazy trivia and giveaways for fans who participate in the show. Royals Radio Recon will be broadcast live on the Royals Broadcast Network (CBS Sports Radio 1240 am and 98.5 fm in Reading).